2-1 各地区人口数及人口自然变动情况Total Population and Natural Changes by Region出生率(‰)地 区RegionBirth Rate(‰)死亡率(‰)Death Rate(‰)自然增长率(‰)Natural Growth Rate(‰) 全 国 北 京 天 津 河 北 山 西 内蒙古 辽 宁 吉 林 黑龙江 上 海 江 苏 浙 江 安 徽 福 建 江 西 山 东 河 南 湖 北 National Total Beijing Tianjin Hebei Shanxi Inner Mongolia Liaoning Jilin Heilongjiang Shanghai Jiangsu Zhejiang Anhui Fujian Jiangxi Shandong Henan Hubei12.957.095.869.327.3712.4210.总人口(年末)(万人)Total Population(year-end)(10000 persons)13827121731562747036822520437827333799242079995590619638744592994795325885 湖 南 广 东 广 西 海 南 重 庆 四 川 贵 州 云 南 西 藏 陕 西 甘 肃 青 海 宁 夏 新 疆 Hunan Guangdong Guangxi Hainan Chongqing Sichuan Guizhou Yunnan Tibet Shaanxi Gansu Qinghai Ningxia Xinjiang13.5711.8513.8214.577.014.415.956.006.567.447.878.5711.7710.4813.4313.1615.797.246.996.936.555.114.533.496.506.6110.6810.6412.1814.7013.6915.346.注:1.本表数据根据 2.全国总人口包括现 3.全国总人口根据Note:a) Datain this table b) The military personnel were included in the national total population, but were not included in the pop population c) The national total population were adjusted on the basis of sampling errors and survey errors from the Population 6822109994838917
e population by region. The national total
m the 2016 National Sample Survey on