题 目基于Packet Tracer的IPv6校园网组建 学生 车轲 学号 113014160 所在学院 物理与电信工程学院 专业班级 电子信息工程1105 指导教师 菊叶 完成地点 博远楼
2015 年 5 月 29日
院(系) 物电学院 专业班级 电子信息工程1105 学生 车轲 一、毕业论文﹙设计﹚题目基于Packet Tracer的IPV6校园网组建
二、毕业论文﹙设计﹚工作自 2015 年 3 月 10 日 起至 2015 年 6 月 20 日止
三、毕业论文﹙设计﹚进行地点: 物电学院计算机信息处理分室 四、毕业论文﹙设计﹚的容要求: 1、本次毕业设计要求如下:
随着网络规模的不断扩大和IPV4地址的不断减少给网络发展带来了一定的影响,IPV6能很好 的解决IPV4地址不足的问题。
本设计要求学生以理工学院校园网为设计实体,分别从网络拓扑结构的构建与网络设备选型、网络互联配置、网络连通性测试等方面进行校园网组网探讨,并要求通过Packet Tracer软件仿真实现IPV6校园网的组建模型。 2、毕业设计成果要求:
3、毕业设计时间安排: 1—4周:查阅相关资料,熟悉题目容,完成系统需求分析、相关硬件与软件环境的选择。提交开题报告; 5—10周:熟练掌握IPV4和IPV6的地址分配方法,以校园网的地址分配布局为实体,给出具体分配方案。
指 导 教 师系(教 研 室) 系(教研室)主任签名批准日期
接受论文 (设计)任务开始执行日期学生签名
基于Packet Tracer的IPV6校园网组建
(理工学院物理与电信工程学院电子信息工程,2011级5班, 723003)
IPv6协议与地址体系结构等相关理论知识,并探讨了IPv4到IPv6的过渡技术。本课题以理工学院校园网络为模型利用Packet Tracer模拟软件分别从网络拓扑结构的构建与网络设备选型、网络设备互联配置、网络连通性测试等方面进行了IPv6组网探讨,最终实现了IPv6校园网组建。
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Organize of IPv6 campus network based on Packet Tracer
Che Yangke
(Grade11,Class5,Major of Electronic Information Engineering,School of Physics and telecommunication Engineering,Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723003,Shaanxi)
Tutor:Li Juye
Abstract:With the expanding of network size and the continuous decrease of IPv4 address to the
development of the network has brought serious influence. This paper mainly introduces IPv6 protocol and address architecture and related theory knowledge, and discusses the transition of IPv4 to IPv6 technology. This topic in shaanxi institute of technology campus network for the model using Packet Tracer simulation software respectively from the construction of network topology and network equipment selection, network equipment interconnected configuration and network connectivity testing discussed IPv6network, finally achieved IPv6campus network building.
Key words:Campus network; IPv6; LAN; Network security
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目 录
1.1 课题研究背景0 1.2 课题研究目的和意义0 1.3论文的简要介绍0
2 IPV6组网实验涉与的主要技术0
2.1 RIP简介0
2.1.1 RIPng工作原理0 2.1.2 RIPng的协议报文格式0
2.1.3 RIPng和RIPv1、RIPv2的区别1 2.2 OSPFv3简介1
2.2.1 OSPFv3的报文格式:1
2.2.2 OSPFv3和OSPFv2的主要区别如下:1 2.3 隧道技术2
2.3.1 配置隧道2
2.4 IPV6的访问控制列表(ACL)2
2.4.1 IPv6 ACL分类2 2.4.2 IPv6 ACL命名2 2.4.3 IPv6 ACL匹配顺序2
3.1 IPv6的表示4
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3.2 IPV6地址类型4
3.3 IPV6网络实验所用实验工具选择4
3.3.1 Packet Tracer6.1的基本界面5 3.3.2互连设备线型选择5
4.1 IPV6的RIP实现7
4.1.1 拓扑结构图7 4.1.2 IPv6地址规划7 4.1.3 配置过程7 4.2 Ipv6的Ospfv3实现10
4.2.1 拓扑结构图10 4.2.2 IPv6地址规划10 4.2.3配置过程10 4.3 IPV6的隧道实验14
4.3.1 拓扑结构图14 4.3.2 IP地址规划14 4.3.3 配置过程14
4.4 Ipv6的安全实验---访问控制列表15
4.4.1拓扑结构图15 4.4.2 IP地址规划15 4.4.3 配置过程16
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5.1 拓扑结构图19 5.2 IPv6地址规划19
5.3 配置过程19 5.4 测试结果与配置23
6总结25 致26
参考文献26 附录A26 附录B38
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1 引言
1.1 课题研究背景
中国是公认的迫切需要发展IPv6的国家,需要从技术和经济上给予IPv6高度重视。2001年以来,国家计委、科技部、自然基金委、信息产业部相继启动关于IPv6的研究项目。如2002年863高性能IPv6路由器重大研究项目分为硬件、协议栈软件以与测试三个子课题完成了招标工作,其它有关IPv6网络安全和服务质量的重大课题也相继公布。 1.2 课题研究目的和意义
3.IPv6增加了增强的组播(Multicast)支持以与对流的支持(Flow Control),这使得网络上的多媒体应用有了长足的发展机会,为服务质量(QoS,Quality of Service)控制提供了良好的网络平台。
4.IPv6加入了对自动配置(Auto ConfiguR1tion)的支持。这使对DCHP协议的改进和扩展,使得网络(尤其是局域网)的管理更加方便和快捷。
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但从长远看,IPv6有利于互联网的持续和长久发展。 目前,国际互联网组织已经决定成立两个
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专门工作组,制定相应的国际标准。IPv6取代IPv4技术势在必行。 1.3论文的简要介绍
2.简要介绍本论文使用的模拟软件 packet tracer与其基本使用方法。
3. 通过路由器模拟软件packet tracer完成论文相关的IPv6网络实验,并对结果进行测试、分析。
2 IPv6组网实验涉与的主要技术
2.1 RIP简介
RIP是一种分布式的基于距离向量的路由选择协议,是因特网的标准协议,其最大的优点就是简单。RIP协议要求网络中每一个路由器都要维护从它自己到其他每一个目的网络的距离记录(这一组距离,即“距离向量”)。RIP协议将“距离”定义为:从一路由器到直接连接的网络的距离定义为1。从路由器到非直接连接的网络的距离定义为每经过一个路由器则距离加1。“距离”也成为“跳数”。RIP允许一条路径最多只能包含15个路由器,因此,距离等于16时即为不可达。可见RIP协议只适用于小型互联网[5]。 2.1.1 RIPng工作原理
基于距离矢量算法的路由协议会产生慢收敛和无限计数的问题而引发了路由的不一致。RIPng使用与RIPv2类似的水平分割技术、毒性逆转技术、触发更新技术来解决这些问题,同时抑制广播风暴,减少路由信息数量。 2.1.2 RIPng的协议报文格式
RIPng是基于UDP的协议,并且使用端口号521发送和接收数据报。RIPng报文大致可分为两类:选路信息报文和用于请求信息的报文。如下图所示: 8 Command 8 Version 32bit Unused 16 IPv6 Prefix 1 Route Entry Route Tag Prefix Length Metric IPv6 Prefix 1 Route Prefix Length 图2.1RIPng报文格式
Metric Route Entry 0 / 48
RIPng中仍然使用固定的度量方式,即跳数,RIPng的最大工作直径为15跳, 16即意味着目的地不可达。与RIPv2不同的是,RIPng的下一跳字段是由一个单独的RTE指定的。 2.1.3 RIPng和RIPv1、RIPv2的区别
(1) 地址版本。RIPv1、RIPv2基于IPv4,地址域只有32bit,而RIPng基于IPv6,使用的所有地址均为128bit。
(2) 子网掩码和前缀长度。IPv6的地址前缀有明确的含义,因此RIPng中不再有子网掩码的概念,取而代之的是前缀长度。同样也是由于使用了IPv6地址,RIPng中也没有必要再区分网络路由、子网路由和主机路由。
(3) 对下一跳的表示。RIPv1中没有下一跳的信息,接收端路由器把报文的源IP地址作为到目的网络路由的下一跳。RIPv2中明确包含了下一跳信息,便于选择最优路由和防止出现选路环路与慢收敛。与RIPv2不同,为防止RTE过长,同时也是为了提高路由信息的传输效率,RIPng中的下一跳字段是作为一个单独的RTE存在的。
(4) 报文长度。RIPv1、RIPv2中对报文的长度均有限制,规定每个报文最多只能携带25个RTE。而RIPng对报文长度、RTE的数目都不作规定,报文的长度是由介质的MTU决定的。RIPng对报文长度的处理,提高了网络对路由信息的传输效率。
(5) RIPng使用IPv6的多播地址FF02::9收发路由更新报文。 2.2 OSPFv3简介
OSPFv3也称IPv6 OSPF 协议,是一种链路状态路由协议,它是对基于IPv4的OSPFv2的改进。 2.2.1 OSPFv3的报文格式:
OSPFv3同样使用5种消息(Hello, Database Description,LSDatabase Request,LS Database Update, LS Ack)来建立连接,但OSPFv3的报文和v2有很多不同, OSPFv3的报头版本号更新为3,加入了Instance ID,也就是说,同一条链路上可以运行多个Instance。但接口标示仅在本地链路上有意义,因此OSPFv3消息不能转发到始发它的链路之外。同时OSPFv3去掉了认证报文
OSPFv3的Hello和数据库描述报文与OSPFv2也有所不同,新的OSPFv3的报文由于IPv6不需要子网掩码,所以消息格式中该字段被取消,可选字段加大到24bit,无效时间从32bit缩短为16bit。 2.2.2 OSPFv3和OSPFv2的主要区别如下:
在OSPFv2中,除了AS-External-LSA的洪泛围是自治系统部之外 ,每一个LSA 都与一个域相关 ,所以洪泛围是域部。而在OSPFv3中,LSA的洪泛围已被扩展为三种:本地链路围、域部围和自治系统部围。
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2.3 隧道技术
隧道机制就是用IPv4封装IPv6数据包并且把这些封装了的数据包通过IPv4 网络送往一个IPv4目的节点,目的节点拆封数据包并剥离出IPv6数据包。隧道封装(TUNNELING)就是运用隧道使孤立的IPv6主机、服务器、路由器和域利用现有的IPv6基础设施与其他IPV6网络通信,孤立的IPv6机也能够利用IPv4作为传输层建立端到端IPv6会话。 2.3.1 配置隧道
(1) 本地IPv4地址——通过这个IPv4地址,本地的双栈节点在IPv4网络上可达。本地的IPv4地址用作输出流的源IPv4地址。
(3)本地IPv6地址——本地分配给隧道接口的IPv6地址。 2.4 IPV6的访问控制列表(ACL)
访问控制列表(ACL) 是路由器和交换机接口的指令列表,用来控制端口进出的数据包。IPv6 ACL则是根据三层与以上层信息进行数据包过滤的机制,通过允许或拒绝特定数据包进入网络,对网络访问进行控制。 2.4.1 IPv6 ACL分类
IPv6 ACL根据ACL序号来区分不同的ACL,可以分为三种类型,如表2.1所示。
表2.1 IPv6 ACL分类 IPv6 ACL类型 基本IPv6 ACL 高级IPv6 ACL
ACL序号围 2000~2999 3000~3999
区分报文的依据 只根据源IPv6地址信息制定匹配规则 根据报文的源IPv6地址信息、目的IPv6地址信息、IPv6承载的协议类型、协议的特性等三层、四层信息来制定匹配规则
简单IPv6 ACL
根据报文的源IPv6地址信息、目的IPv6地址信息、IPv6地址组合标记、IPv6承载的协议类型、协议的特性等三层、四层信息来制定匹配规则。简单IPv6 ACL在TCP标记、分片报文标记上有更丰富的容
2.4.2 IPv6 ACL命名
用户在创建IPv6 ACL时,可以为ACL指定一个名称。每个IPv6 ACL最多只能有一个名称。命
名的ACL使用户可以通过名称唯一地确定一个IPv6 ACL,并对其进行相应的操作。 2.4.3 IPv6 ACL匹配顺序
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规则进行匹配时, IPv6 ACL支持以下两种匹配顺序:
(1)配置顺序:按照用户配置规则的先后顺序进行规则匹配。 (2)自动排序:按照“深度优先”的顺序进行规则匹配。
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3 IPv6简述与实验工具选择
3.1 IPv6的表示
1. IPv6地址的十六进制表示
1) 2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7344 2) 2001:0db8:0000:2f3b:02aa:00ff:fe28:9c5a
以上都是合法的IPv6地址。 可通过压缩每个16位的前导零,进一步简化IPv6的表示方法,但是每个块必须至少有一个数字,上面两地址压缩前导零后,结果如下:
1) 2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7344 2) 2001:db8:0:2f3b:2aa:ff:fe28:9c5a
某些IPv6地址有连续的几串零,为了进一步精简IPv6地址,冒号十六进制格式中出现的连续的为0的16位段时,这些段可压缩表示为:: 。如多播地址FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:2 可精简为FF02::2 。 但这种零压缩在地址中只能出现一次,否则就无法计算出每个::包含的0段数或0位数。 3.2 IPV6地址类型
1. 单播(Unicast)
(1) 不确定地址
(2) 回环地址
(3) 链路本地地址
(4) 站点本地地址
与IPv4中的私有地址类似。使用站点本地地址作为源或目的地址的数据报文不会被转发到本站点(相当于一个私有网络)外的其它站点。使用前缀为FEC0::/10 。 3.3 IPV6网络实验所用实验工具选择
Packet Tracer 是思科公司为思科网络技术学院开发的一款模拟软件。Packet Tracer模拟器可以在软件的图形用户界面上直接使用拖曳物件建立网络拓扑,并可提供数据包在网络中行进的详细处理过程。
相对于其他网络实验模拟器来说,Packet Tracer主要具备以下优势: 1、模拟实际设备的硬件。 2、支持报文分析功能。
3、支持IPV6、支持无线功能。 4、绘图功能。
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3.3.1 Packet Tracer6.1的基本界面
打开Packet Tracer 6.1时界面如下图所
图3.1 Packet Tracer 6.1 基本界面
表3.1 Packet Tracer 6.1基本界面介绍
序号 1
名称 菜单栏
我们可以通过此栏中的按钮完成实时模式和模拟模式之间转换。 我们可以通过此栏中的按钮完成逻辑工作区和物理工作区之间转换。
7 8
网络设备库 设备类型库
9 特定设备库 此库包含不同设备类型中不同型号的设备,它随着设备类型库的选择级联显示。
10 用户数据包窗口 此窗口管理用户添加的数据包。
在工作区中添加一个2600 XM路由器[6]。首先在设备类型库中选择路由器,特定设备库中单击2600 XM路由器,然后在工作区中单击一下就可以把2600 XM路由器添加到工作区中了。用同样的方式再添加一个2950-24交换机和两台PC。注意可以按住Ctrl键再单击相应设备以连续添加设备。
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如图3.2 所示:
图3.2 设备添加
图3.3 线型介绍
图3.4 设备连接
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4 系统设计
4.1 IPV6的RIP实现 4.1.1拓扑结构图
图4.1 拓扑结构
4.1.2 IPv6地址规划
表4.1 IPv6地址规划
Pc1 R1 f0/0 R1 f0/1
2002:60:1/64 2002:62:1/64 2002:64:1/64
Rb f0/1 Rb f0/0 Pc2
2002:61:1/64 2002:63:1/64 2002:65:1/64
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图4.2 配置IPv6地址
R1 (config)#ipv6 unicast-routing //启用IPV6单播服务 R1 (config)#ipv6 router rip 1 //启动IPv6 RIPng 进程 R1 (config)#interface f0/0
R1 (config-if)#ipv6 address 2002:60:1/64
R1 (config-if)#ipv6 rip 1 enable //在接口上启用RIPng R1 (config-if)#no shutdown R1 (config)#interface f0/1
R1 (config-if)#ipv6 address 2002:61:1/64 R1 (config-if)#ipv6 rip 1 enable R1 (config-if)#no shutdown (3)步骤3:配置路由器Rb
R2 (config)#ipv6 unicast-routing R2 (config)#ipv6 router rip 1 R2 (config)#interface f0/0
R2 (config-if)#ipv6 address 2002:62:1/64 R2 (config-if)#ipv6 rip 1 enable
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R2 (config-if)#no shutdown R2 (config)#interface f0/1
R2 (config-if)#ipv6 address 2002:63:1/64 R2 (config-if)#ipv6 rip 1 enable R2 (config-if)#no shutdown (4)步骤4:测试与抓包过程
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4.2 IPv6的Ospfv3实现 4.2.1拓扑结构图
图4.6 拓扑结构图
4.2.2 IPv6地址规划
表4.2 IPv6地址规划
Pc1 R1 f0/0
2002:70:1/64 2002:72:1/64 2002:74:1/64 2002:76:1/64
R2 f0/0 R3 f0/0 R3 f0/1 Pc2
2002:71:1/64 2002:73:1/64 2002:75:1/64 2002:77:1/64
R1 f0/1 R2 f0/1
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R1(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing
R1(config)#ipv6 router ospf 1 //启动OSPFv3 路由进程 R1(config-rtr)#router-id //定义路由器ID R1(config)#interface f0/0
R1(config-if)#ipv6 address 2002:70:1/64
R1(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 1 //在接口上启用OSPFv3,并声明接口所在区域 R1(config-if)#no shutdown R1(config)#interface f0/1
R1(config-if)#ipv6 address 2002:71:1/64 R1(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 1 R1(config-if)#no shutdown
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R2(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing R2(config)#ipv6 router ospf 1 R2(config-rtr)#router-id R2(config)#interface f0/0
R2(config-if)#ipv6 address 2002:72:1/64 R2(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 1 R2(config-if)#no shutdown R2(config)#interface f0/1
R2(config-if)#ipv6 address 2002:73:1/64 R2(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 1 R2(config-if)#no shutdown (4)步骤4:配置[9]路由器R3 R3(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing R3(config)#ipv6 router ospf 1 R3(config-rtr)#router-id R3(config)#interface f0/0
R3(config-if)#ipv6 address 2002:74:1/64 R3(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 1 R2(config-if)#no shutdown R3(config)#interface f0/1
R3(config-if)#ipv6 address 2002:75:1/64 R3(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 1 R3(config-if)#no shutdown (5)步骤5:测试与抓包过程
图4.10 路由器使用OSPF协议通信
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4.3 IPv6的隧道实验 4.3.1拓扑结构图
图4.11 拓扑结构图
4.3.2 IP地址规划
表4.3 IP地址规划
R1 L0 R1 F0/0 R2 F0/0 R1 T0
2012:1::1/64 2002:1:11::1/64
R2 F0/1 R3 F0/1 R3 L0 R3 T0 2012:2::2/64 2002:1:11::2/64
ipv6 unicast-routing ipv6 router ospf 100 router-id interface Loopback0
ipv6 address 2012:1::1/64 ipv6 ospf 100 area 0 interface Tunnel0 ipv6 address 2002:1:11::1/64 ipv6 ospf 100 area 0 tunnel source F0/0 tunnel destination tunnel mode ipv6ip interface F0/0
ip address
ip route (2)步骤2
ipv6 unicast-routing interface f0/0
ip address interface f0/1
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ip address (3)步骤3
ipv6 unicast-routing ipv6 router ospf 100 router-id interface Loopback0
ipv6 address 2022:2:2:22::2/64 ipv6 ospf 100 area 0 interface Tunnel0
ipv6 address 2002:1:11::2/64 ipv6 ospf 100 area 0 tunnel source F0/1
tunnel destination tunnel mode ipv6ip interface f0/1
ip address
ip route 4.4 IPv6的安全实验---访问控制列表 4.4.1拓扑结构图
图4.12 拓扑结构图
4.4.2 IP地址规划
表4.4 IP地址规划
Pc0 R1:f0/0 R1:f0/1 R3:f0/0 R3:f0/1 R2:f0/1
2012:1:1::1/64 2012:1:1::2/64 2012:2:2::1/64 2012:2:2::2/64 2012:3:3::1/64 2012:3:3::2/64
R2:f0/0 Pc1 R3:e1/0 R3:e1/1 S1 S0
2012:4:4::2/64 2012:4:4::1/64 2012:5:5::2/64 2012:6:6::2/64 2012:5:5::1/64 2012:6:6::1/64
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图4.12 配置PC的IPv6地址
图4.13 配置PC的IPv6默认网关
(2)步骤2:配置路由器R1: R1(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing
R1(config)#ipv6 router ospf 1 //启动OSPFv3 路由进程 R1(config-rtr)#router-id //定义路由器ID R1(config)#interface f0/0
R1(config-if)#ipv6 address 2012:1:1::2/64
R1(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 0 //在接口上启用OSPFv3,并声明接口所在区域 R1(config-if)#no shutdown R1(config)#interface f0/1
R1(config-if)#ipv6 address 2012:2:2::1/64 R1(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 0 R1(config-if)#no shutdown
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(3)步骤3:配置路由器R2: R2(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing
R2(config)#ipv6 router ospf 1 R2(config-rtr)#router-id R2(config)#interface f0/0
R2(config-if)#ipv6 address 2012:4:4::2/64 R2(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 0 R2(config-if)#no shutdown R2(config)#interface f0/1
R2(config-if)#ipv6 address 2012:3:3::2/64 R2(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 0 R2(config-if)#no shutdown (4)步骤4:配置路由器R3: R3(config)#ipv6 unicast-routing
R3(config)#ipv6 router ospf 1 R3(config-rtr)#router-id R3(config)#interface f0/0
R3(config-if)#ipv6 address 2012:2:2::2/64 R3(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 0 R3(config-if)#no shutdown R3(config)#interface f0/1
R3(config-if)#ipv6 address 2012:3:3::1/64 R3(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 0 R3(config-if)#no shutdown R3(config)#interface e1/0
R3(config-if)#ipv6 address 2012:5:5::2/64 R3(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 0 R3(config-if)#no shutdown R3(config)#interface f0/1
R3(config-if)#ipv6 address 2012:6:6::2/64 R3(config-if)#ipv6 ospf 1 area 0 R3(config-if)#no shutdown
R3(config)# ipv6 access-list anqu
R3(config-ipv6-acl)#deny ipv6 host 2012:1:1::1 host 2012:6:6::1 R3(config-ipv6-acl)# permit ipv6 any any (5)步骤5:测试
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图4.14 在PC0上PINGS0和S1的结果
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5.1 拓扑结构图
5.2 IPV6地址规划
表5.1 IPV6地址规划
PC0 R1 f0/1 R1 f0/0 R2 f0/0
2002:60::1/64 2002:61::1/64 2002:61::2/64 2002:62::1/64
R2 f0/1 Web server Dns server
2002:62::2/64 2002:65::1/64 2002:65::2/64
5.3 配置过程
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图5.2 配置PC的IPv6地址
图5.3 配置PC的默认网关、DNS
图5.4 配置DNS服务器的IPv6地址
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图5.5 配置DNS服务器的默认网关和DNS
图5.6 添加一条DNS映射
图5.7 配置WEB服务器的IPv6地址
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图5.8 配置Web服务器的默认网关与DNS
(4)步骤4:配置路由器R1、R2[14] R1: Router> Router>en Router#conf t
Router(config)#hostname R1 R1(config)#int fa0/1
R1(config-if)#ipv6 enable //在接口上开启IPv6 R1(config-if)#no shut
R1(config-if)#ipv6 address 2002:61::1/64 R1(config-if)#end R1(config)#int fa0/1
R1(config-if)#ipv6 enable R1(config-if)#no shut
R1(config-if)#ipv6 address 2002:61::2/64 R1(config-if)#end
R1(config)#ipv6 route 2001:1:2:3::0/64 2002:62::1/64 R2: Router> Router>en Router#conf t
Router(config)#hostname R2 R2(config)#int fa0/1
R2(config-if)#ipv6 enable R2(config-if)#no shut
R2(config-if)#ipv6 address 2002:62::2/64 R2(config-if)#end R2(config)#int fa0/1
R2(config-if)#ipv6 enable R2(config-if)#no shut
R2(config-if)#ipv6 address 2002:62::1/64
22 / 48
R2(config)#ipv6 route 2002:61::1/642002:62::1/64 5.4测试结果与配置
图5.9 R1的路由表信息
图5.10 R2的路由表信息
在客户机PC3上 ping DNS、WEB服务器地址通[15],访问WEB。
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图5.11 PING DNS服务器
图5.12 PING WEB服务器
图5.13 访问WEB服务器
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本次毕业设计课题基于Packet Tracer 6.1的IPv6网络实验研究,在网络地址的短缺,与网络安全受到威胁等条件下,对IPv6技术进行理论探讨,分析如何利用IPv6技术,完成了基于IPv6的路由协议、隧道、访问控制列表等各项配置[16],最后对设计和配置结果进行测试、验证和分析。IPv6和IPv4部分能够很好的兼容工作。这无疑给用户和服务提供商将IPv4升级至IPv6提供了便利[17],并降低了成本,因为不必要求重新部署原有网络了。
总体来说IPv6与IPv4相比具有以下几个优势: (1)IPv6具有更大的地址空间; (2)IPv6使用更小的路由表;
(3)IPv6加入了对自动配置(Auto Configuration[18])的支持; (4)IPv6具有更高的安全性。
IPv6作为下一代互联网的核心协议,将会涉与到多种层面,会需要更多不同部门和服务商的参与,共同推动IPv6 技术向着一个崭新的网路时代发展。
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[1] [美]Cprian Popoviciu.部署IPv6网络[M].:人民邮电,2006.23-27. [2] 高阳,王建强.计算机网络技术与应用[M].:清华大学,2009.18-20. [3] 雷震甲,网络工程师教程第三版[M].:清华大学,2010.34-37.
[4] 轶,啸鸣,吴越. 深入解析IPv6第二版[M].:人民邮电大学,2005.15-16. [5] 希仁.计算机网络(第5版)[M].:电子工业,2008.13-20.
[6](加)Regis Desmeules. Cisco IPv6网络实现技术[M].:人民邮电,2004.23-40.
[7] Cisco System.Ins.Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6(DHCPv6) Relay Agent Subscriber –ID option RFC4580.US:Cisco System,2004.12-18.
[8] 运清.构建运营级IPv6网络[M].:电子工业,2010 .34-39.
[9] 宏科,伟.IPv6路由协议栈原理与技术[M].:邮电大学,2006.45-47. [10] 王相林.IPv6技术:新一代网络技术[M].:机械工业,2008.30-48. [11] [美] Scott Hogg.IPv6安全[M].:人民邮电,2011.35-46. [12] [美]joseph davies理解ipv6[M].:清华大学,2004.44-56.
[13] 津生,洪佩琳.下一代Internet网络技术[M].:人民邮电,2011.22-33. [14] 羽 .IPv6技术项目实验指导书[M].:电子工业,2010.12-18. [15] 伍孝金.IPv6技术与应用[M].:清华大学,2010.12-16.
[16] 领治,陆建德.计算机网络理论与实践教学改革[J].计算机教育,2010.23:90-92 [17] 毕军,王优,冷晓翔.IPV6过渡研究综述[J].电信科学,2008.10:12-21.
[18] Hyong Soon Kim.IEEE IPv6 Pilot Project Experience in Korea[S]. 2008.3:17-20.
附录 A
I hope you're ready to learn about the nuts and bolts of InternetProtocol version 6 (IPv6), because you're going to get the rub onit in this chapter!
You should have a solid hold on IPv4 by now, but if you think you could use a refresher, justpage back to Chapter 3, \"Sub netting, Variable Length Subnet Masks (VLSMS), and
Troubleshooting TCP/IP.\" And if you're not crystal clear on the address problems inherent to IPv4, youreally should review Chapter 11, \"Network Address Translation (NAT)”
People refer to IPv6 as \"the next-generation Internet protocol,\" and it was originally createdas the answer to IPv4's inevitable, looming address-exhaustion crisis. Though you've probablyheard a thing or two about IPv6 already, it has been improved even further in the quest to bringus the flexibility, efficiency, capability, and optimized functionality that can truly meet our everincreasing needs. The capacity of its predecessor, IPv4, pales in comparison-and that's thereason it will eventually fade into history completely.
The IPv6 header and address structure has been completely overhauled, and many of thefeatures that were basically just afterthoughts and addendums in IPv4 are now included asfull-blown standards in IPv6. It's seriously well equipped, poised, and ready to manage themind-blowing demands of the Internet to come. I promise-really-to make this chapter pretty painless. In fact, you might even find yourself actually enjoying it-I definitely did! Because IPv6 is so complex yet elegant, innovative and chock-full of features, it fascinates me like some weird combination of a brand-new Lamborghini and a riveting futuristic novel. Hopefully you'll experience this chapter as the cool ride that I did writing it!
Why Do We Need IPv6?
Well, the short answer is, because we need to communicate, and our current system isn't really cutting it anymore-kind of like how the Pony Express can't compete with airmail. Just look at how much time and effort we've invested in coming up with slick new ways to conserve bandwidth and IP addresses. We've even come u p with Variable Length Subnet Masks (VLSMS) in our struggle to overcome the worsening address drought It's reality-the number of people and devices that connect to networks increases each and every day. That's not a bad thing at all-we're finding new and exciting ways to communicate to more people all the time, and that's a good thing. In fact, it's a basic human need. But the forecast isn't exactly blue skies and sunshine because, as I alluded to in this chapter's introduction, IPv4, upon which our ability to communicate is presently dependent, is going to run out of addresses for us to use. IPv4 has only about 4.3 billion addresses available-in theory, and we know that we don't even get to use all of those. There really are only about 250 million addresses that can be assigned to devices. Sure, the use of Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) and Network Address Translation (NAT) has helped to extend the inevitable dearth of addresses, but we will run out of them, and it's going to happen within a few years. China is barely online, and we know there's a huge population of people and corporations there that surely want to be. There are a lot of reports that give us all kinds of numbers, but all you really need to think about to convince yourself that I'm not just being an alarmist is the fact that there are about 6.5 billion people in the world today, and it's estimated that just over 10 percent of that population is connected to the Internet-wow!
That statistic is basically screaming at us the ugly truth that based on IPv4's capacity, every person can't even have a computer-let alone all the other devices we use with them. I have more than one computer, and it's pretty likely you do too. And I'm not even including in the mix phones, laptops, game consoles, fax machines, routers, switches, and a mother
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lode of other devices we use every day! So I think I've made it pretty clear that we've got to do something before we run out of addresses and lose the ability to connect with each other as we know it. And that \"something\" just happens to be implementing IPv6. The Benefits and Uses of IPv6 So what's so fabulous about IPv6? Is it really the answer to our coming dilemma? Is it really worth it to upgrade from IPv4? All good questions-you may even think of a few more. Of course, there's going to be that group of people with the time-tested and well-known \"resistance to change syndrome,\" but don't listen to them. If we had done that years ago, we'd still be waiting weeks, even months for our mail to arrive via horseback. Instead, just know that the answer is a resounding YES! Not only does IPv6 give us lots of addresses (3.4 x 38
10=definitely enough), but there are many other features built into this version that make it well worth the cost, time, and effort required to migrate to it. Later in the chapter I'll talk about all that effort in the section called \"Migrating to IPv6.\" In it, I'll cover some of the transition types required to move from version 4 to version 6, and I promise you'll discover that the huge benefits of migrating will vastly outweigh any associated cons.
Today's networks, as well as the Internet, have a ton of unforeseen requirements that simply were not considerations when IPv4 was created. We've tried to compensate with a collection of add-ons that can actually make implementing them more difficult than they would be if they were required by a standard. By default, IPv6 has improved upon and included many of those features as standard and mandatory. One of these sweet new standards is IPSec-a feature that provides end-to-end security that I'll cover ili Chapter 14, \"Wide Area Networks.\" Another littlebeauty is known as mobility, and as its name suggests, it allows a device to roam from one network to another without dropping connections.
But it's the efficiency features that are really going to rock the house! For starters, the header in an IPv6 packet have half the fields, and they are aligned to 64 bits, which gives us some seriously souped-up processing speed-compared to IPv4, lookups happen at light speed! Most of the information that used to be bound into the IPv4 header was taken out, and now you can choose to put it, or parts of it, back into the header in the form of optional extension headers that follow the basic header fields.
And of course there's that whole new universe of addresses (3.4 x 10) we talked about already. But where did we get them? Did that Criss Angel-Mindfreak dude just show up and, Blammo? I mean, that huge proliferation of addresses had to come from somewhere! Well it just so happens that IPv6 gives us a substantially larger address space, meaning the address is a whole lot bigger-four times bigger as a matter of fact! An IPv6 address is actually 128 bits in length, and no worries-I'm going to break down the address piece by piece and show you exactly what it looks like coming up in the section \"IPv6 Addressing and Expressions.\" For now, let me just say that all that additional room permits more levels of hierarchy inside the address space and a more flexible address architecture. It also makes routing much more efficient and scalable because the addresses can be aggregated a lot more effectively. And IPv6 also allows multiple addresses for hosts and networks. This is especially important for enterprises jonesing for availability. Plus, the new version of IP now includes an expanded use of multicast communication (one device sending to many hosts or to a select group), which will also join in to boost efficiency on networks because
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communications will be more specific.
IPv4 uses broadcasts very prolifically, causing a bunch of problems, the worst of which is of course the dreaded broadcast storm-an uncontrolled deluge of forwarded broadcast traffic that can bring an entire network to its knees and devour every last bit of bandwidth. Another nasty thing about broadcast traffic is that it interrupts each and every device on the network. When a broadcast is sent out, every machine has to stop what it's doing and respond to the traffic whether the broadcast is meant for it or not. But smile everyone: There is no such thing as a broadcast in IPv6 because it uses multicast traffic instead. And there are two other types of communication as well: unicast, which is the same as it is in IPv4, and a new type called anycast. Anycast communication allows the same address to be placed on more than one device so that when traffic is sent to one device addressed in this way, it is routed to the nearest host that shares the same address. This is just the beginning-we'll get more into the various types of communication in the section called \"Address Types” IPv6 Addressing and Expressions
Just as understanding how IP addresses are structured and used is critical with IPv4 addressing, it's also vital when it comes to IPv6. You've already read about the fact that at 128 bits, an IPv6 address is much larger than an IPv4 address. Because of this, as well as the new ways the addressesmanage. But can be used, you've probably guessed that IPv6 will be more complicated to no worries! As I said, I'll break down the basics and show you what the address looks like, how you can write it, and what many of its common uses are. It's going to be a little weird at first, but before you know it, you'll have it nailed! So let's take a look at Figure 13.1, which has a sample IPv6 address broken down into sections.
FIGURE 13 .1IPv6 address example
So as you can now see, the address is truly much larger-but what else is different? Well, first, notice that it has eight groups of numbers instead of four and also that those groups are separated by colons instead of periods. And hey wait a second…there are letters in that address! Yep, the address is expressed in hexadecimal just like a MAC address is, so you could say this address has eight 16-bit hexadecimal colon-delimited blocks. That's already quite a mouthful, and you probably haven't even tried to say the address out loud yet!
One other thing I want to point out is for when you set up your test network to play with IPv6, because I know you're going to want to do that. When you use a web browser to make an connection to an IPv6 device, you have to type the address into the browser with brackets around the literal address. Why? Well, a colon is already being used by the browser for specifying a port number. So basically, if you don't enclose the address in brackets, the browser will have no way to identify the information Here's an example of how this looks:
Now obviously if you can, you would rather use names to specify a destination (like .lannmle.), but even though it's definitely going to be a pain in the rear, we just have to accept the fact that sometimes we have to bite the bullet and type in the address
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number So it should be pretty clear that DNS is going to become extremely important when implementing IPv6. Shortened Expression
The good news is there are a few tricks to help rescue us when writing these monster addresses. For one thing, you can actually leave out parts of the address to abbreviate it, but to get away with doing that you have to follow a couple of rules. First, you can drop any leading zeros in each of the individual blocks.After you do that, the sample address from earlier would then look like this: 2001:db8:3c4d:12:0:0:1234:56ab
Okay, that's a definite improvement-at least we don't have to write all of those extra zeros! But what about whole blocks that don't have anything in them except zeros? Well, we can kind of lose those too-at least some of them. Again referring to our sample address, we can remove the two blocks of zeros by replacing them with double colons, like this: 2001:db8:3c4d:12::1234:56ab
Cool-we replaced the blocks of all zeros with double colons. The rule you have to follow to get away with this is that you can only replace one contiguous block of zeros in an address. So if my address has four blocks of zeros and each of them were separated, I just don't get to replace them all; remember the rule is that you can only replace one contiguous block with a double colon. Check out this example: 2001:0000:0000:0012:0000:0000:1234:56ab And just know that you can't do this: 2001::12::1234:56ab
Instead, this is the best that you can do: 2001::12:0:0:1234:56ab
The reason why the above example is our best shot is that if we remove two sets of zeros, the device looking at the address will have no wav of knowing where the zeros go back in Basically, the muter would look at the incorrect address and say, \"Well, do I place two blocks into the first set of double colons and two into the second set, or do I place three blocks into the first set and one block into the second set?\" And on and on it would go because the information the muter needs just isn't there. Address Types
We're all familiar with IPv4's unicast, broadcast, and multicast addresses that basically define who or at least how many other devices we're talking to. But as I mentioned, IPv6 adds to that trio and introduces the anycast. Broadcasts, as we know them, have been eliminated in IPv6 because of their cumbersome inefficiency.
So let's find out what each of these types of IPv6 addressing and communication methods do for us.
Unicast Packets addressed to a unicast address are delivered to a single interface. For load balancing, multiple interfaces can use the same address. There are a few different types of unicast addresses, but we don't need to get into that here.
Global unicast addresses These are your typical publicly mutable addresses, and they're the same as they are in IPv4 Link-local addresses These are like the private addresses in IPv4 in that they're not meant to be routed. Think of them as a handy tool that gives you the ability to throw a temporary
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LAN together for meetings or for creating a small LAN that's not going to be routed but still needs to share and access files and services locally.
Unique local addresses These addresses are also intended for non-routing purposes, but they are nearly globally unique, so it's unlikely you'll ever have one of them overlap. Unique local addresses were designed to replace site-local addresses, so they basically do almost exactly what IPv4 private addresses do-allow communication throughout a site while being mutable to multiple local networks. Site-local addresses were denounced as of September 2004.
Multicast Again, same as in IPv4, packets addressed to a multicast address are delivered to all interfaces identified by the multicast address. Sometimes people call them one-to-many addresses. It's really easy to spot a multicast address in IPv6 because they always start with FF. I'll get into greater detail about multicast operation in the section \"How IPv6 Works in an Internetwork.\"
Anycast Like multicast addresses, an anycast address identifies multiple interfaces, but there's a big difference: the anycast packet is only delivered to one address-actually, to the first one it finds defined in terms of routing distance. And again, this address is special because you can apply a single address to more than one interface. You could call them one-to-one-of-many addresses, but just saying \"anycast\" is a lot easier. You're probably wondering if there know they're there in IPv4. Well there are any special, reserved addresses in IPv6 because you are-plenty of them! Let's go over them now Special Addresses
I'm going to list some of the addresses and address ranges that you should definitely make a point to remember because you'll eventually use them. They're all special or reserved for specific use, but unlike IPv4, IPv6 gives us a galaxy of addresses, so reserving a few here and there doesn't hurt a thing!
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 Equals::This is the equivalent of IPv4's, and is typically the source address of a host when you're using stateful configuration. 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 Equals ::1. The equivalent of in IPv4. 0:0:0:0:0:0: This is how an IPv4 address would be written in a mixed IPv6/IPv4 network environment.
2000::/3 The global unicast address range. FC00::/7 The unique local unicast range. FE80::/10 The link-local unicast range. FF00::/8 The multicast range.
3FFF:FFFE:/32 Reserved for examples and documentation.
2001:ODP8::/32 Also reserved for examples and documentation.
2002::/16 Used with 6to4, which is the transition system-the structure that allows IPv6 packets to be transmitted over an IPv4 network without the need to configure explicit tunnels. We'll get more into this later in \"Migrating to IPv6,\" but for now let me show you how IPv6 actually works in an internetwork. We all know how IPv4 works, so let's see what's new.
How IPv6 Works in an Internetwork
It's time to explore the finer points of IPv6. A great place to start is by showing you how to address a host and what gives it the ability to find other hosts and resources on
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a network
I'll also demonstrate a device's ability to automatically address itself-something called stateless autoconfiguration, plus another type of autoconfiguration known as stateful. Keep in mind that stateful autoconfiguration uses a DHCP server in a very similar way to how it's used in an IPv4 configuration. I'll also show you how Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and multicast works for us on an IPv6 network Autoconfiguration
Autoconfiguration is an incredibly useful solution because it allows devices on a network to address themselves with a link-local unicast address. This process happens through first learning the prefix information from the roister and then appending the device's own interface address as the interface ID. But where does it get that interface ID? Well, you know every device on an Ethernet network has a physical MAC address, and that's exactly what's used for the interface ID. But since the interface ID in an IPv6 address is 64 bits in length and a MAC address is only 48 bits, where do the extra 16 bits come from? The MAC address is padded in the middle with the extra bits-it's padded with FFFE. For example, let's say I have a device with a MAC address that looks like this: 0060.d673.1987. After it's been padded, it would look like this: 0260.d6FF.FE73.1987.
So where did that 2 in the beginning of the address come from? Another good question. You see, part of the process of padding (called modified eui-64 format) changes a bit to specify if the address is locally unique or globally unique. And the bit that gets changed is the seventh bit in the address. A bit value of 1 means globally unique, and a bit value of 0 means locally unique, so looking at this example, would you say that this address is globally or locally unique? If you answered that it's a globally unique address, you're right! Trust me, this is going to save you time in addressing your host machines because they communicate with the muter to make this happen.
To perform autoconfiguration, a host goes through a basic two-step process:
1. First, the host needs the prefix information (similar to the network portion of an IPv4 address) to configure its interface, so it sends a roister solicitation (RS) request for it. This RS is then sent out as a multicast to each router's multicast address. The actual information being sent is a type of ICMP message, and like everything in networking, this ICMP message has a number that identifies it. The RS message is ICMP type 133 2. The roister answers back with the required prefix information via a roister advertisement (RA). An RA message also happens to be a multicast packet that's sent to each node's multicast address and is ICMP type 134. RA messages are sent on a periodic basis, but the host sends the RS for an immediate response so it doesn't have to wait until the next scheduled RA to get what it needs. These two steps are shown in Figure 13.2.
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FIGURE 13 .2Two steps to IPv6 autoconfiguration
Bv the way, this type of autoconfiguration is also known as stateless autoconfiguration because it doesn't contact or connect and receive any further information from the other device. We'll get to stateful configuration when we talk about DHCPv6 in a minute. 中文译文:
我努力让本章明白易懂。事实上,你可能已经喜欢上了它,我就是如此。IPv6复杂而优雅,充满了创新和各种特性,它令我着迷,就像是全新的Lamborghini与未来派小说的奇妙组合。 为什么我们需要IPv6
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这些统计数据让我们注意到一个令人担忧的现实情况:按照IPv4的容量,地球上的每个人甚至不能拥有一台计算机,其他的机器只好自己呆在一边了。我的计算机已经超过了一台,很可能你也如此。其中还没包括、笔记本电脑、游戏控制柄、 机、路由器、交换机和其他一些每天都使用的设备。因此我认为我已经表达清楚了,在地址耗尽之前,在失去我们已经熟悉的彼此连接的能力之前,我们必须做点什么,这IPv6要实现的。 IPv6的好处与其应用
还好,在IPv6中,不会出现上述的广播风暴,因为IPv6用组播代替了广播。还有另外两种类型的通信:单播(与IPv4中的完全一样)和任播(一种新的类型)。任播通信允许同一个地址被放置到多台设备上,当路由器接收到目的地址为任播地址的数据包时,就将它路由到离它最近的、共享同一个地址的主机上。在“地址类型”这一节,我们会看到各种类型的通信。 IPv6寻址与表达式
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图13.1 IPV6地址举例
我想指出的另一点是,当设置测试网络以试验IPv6时(我知道大家想做这个),需要做些什么。当使用Web浏览器向一台IPv6设备发起 连接时,必须将IPv6地址输入浏览器,而且要用方括号将IPv6地址括起来。为什么呢?这是因为浏览器在指定端口号时,已经使用了一个冒号。因此,如果你不用方括号将IPv6地址括起来,浏览器将无法识别出信息。
这尽管有些令人讨厌,但我们还得接受这样一个事实:有时候我们不得不一位一位地输入地址号。因此大家可以看出,在实施IPv6时,DNS将是极其重要的。 缩减后的表达式
2001: db8:3c4d:12::1234:56ab
2001:0000:0000:0012:0000:0000:1234:56ab 注意,不能这样做: 2001::12::1234:56ab 但是可以这样做:
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下面将列出一些地址和地址围,大家一定要记住它们,因为肯定会用到它们。它们都很特殊,或者是为特定使用目的而保留的,但与IPv4不同的是,IPv6的地址空间特别巨大,因此,保留一些地址确实无关紧要。 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0等于::。这是IPv4中0.0.0.0的等价物,当正在使用有状态的地址配置时,典型情况下是主机的源地址。
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例如,我们假定某台设备的MAC地址如下: 0060.d673.1987。
要完成自动配置:主机基本上需要经过两个步骤:1.首先,主机需要前缀信息(类似十IPv4地址中的网络号部分)来配置其接口,因此,它为自己发送一个路由器征求(muter solicitation, RS)请求,然后这个RS作为组播信息发送到每台路由器的组播地址。实际被发送的信息是ICMP类型的信息,就像联网中的所有事情一样,这个ICMP消息用一个来标示它自己,RS消息的是ICMP类型133。
2.路由器通过路由器通告(router advertisement, RA)对所需的前缀信息做出回应。RA消息碰巧也是组播包,它们被发送到每个结点的组播地址,其为ICMP类型134。RA消息是周期性发送的,但主机发送RS时,能够立即得到响应,因此,主机不必等到下一个RS周期的到来,就能得到所需要的信息。这两个步骤如图13.2所示。
图13.2 IPV6自动配置的两个步骤
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